
Segment your audience using a variety of methods

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How does it work?

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Step 01

Connect your site to the platform using a code

Nec id eget malesuada urna at sed est adipiscing auctor at massa id duis fames ut condimentum velit est, donec mauris tortor massa et viverra.

Get connected
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Step 02

Set up important dashboard metrics

  • Forecasting and recommendations
  • Identification of patterns, analysis
  • Segmentation by various methods
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Step 03

Download the data in a convenient format

Bibendum velit mi, ac sed ac malesuada ultrices non lectus mi pellentesque vel at tempus cras sed a eleifend augue amet mauris, leo ac amet erat.

Get connected

Segment your audience using a variety of methods

Segmentation allows you to divide users according to a given criterion, and then for each of the groups to develop an ads and product. Bibendum velit mi, ac sed ac malesuada ultrices non lectus mi pellentesque vel at tempus cras sed a eleifend augue amet mauris, leo ac amet erat malesuada ultrices.

Learn more
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Key performance indicators of audience

You can easily identify interdependencies between different indicators, identify tendencies and prevent potential difficulties and problems. Nec id eget suada urna at sed est adipiscing auctor massa id duis fames.

Build in minutes

Eu dignissim arcu, iaculis orci hendrerit commodo leo eget commodo ornare et.

Download data

Adipiscing in aliquam iaculis pellentesque facilisi commo consequat in ornare.


Make visualization of data analysis results simple and clear way

Morbi et massa fames ac scelerisque sit commodo dignissim faucibus vel quisque proin lectus laoreet sem adipiscing sollicitudin erat massa tellus lorem enim aenean phasellus in hendrerit interdum lorem proin pretium dictum urna suspendisse quis risus et.

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Our benefits


Around users and partners can count on 24/7 technical assistance, as well as the help of the technical analytics department and teams of specialized experts.


Around users and partners can count on 24/7 technical assistance, as well as the help of the technical analytics department and teams of specialized experts.

Individual dashboard

You can easily identify interdependencies between different indicators, identify tendencies and prevent potential difficulties and problems.


You can easily identify interdependencies between different indicators, identify tendencies and prevent potential difficulties and problems.

Reliable data

Thanks to our platform, developed using advanced data management methods, data quality reaches 100%, which is 20% better than other platforms.


Thanks to our platform, developed using advanced data management methods, data quality reaches 100%, which is 20% better than other platforms.

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New life for data begins today

Using basic data skills you can analysis and improve your business indicators with Around.

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